今なお世界中のクリエイターを魅了し続ける 鬼才・弐瓶勉の原点――


監督には「シドニアの騎士」で緻密でハードな新感覚のSFバトルを表現し、「亜人」を スピーディーでスリリングなサスペンスバトルへと進化させた瀬下寛之が担当。アニメーション制作は「スター・ウォーズ:クローン・ウォーズ」や「トランスフォーマー プライム」など海外でも圧倒的な存在感で数々の賞を受賞し、「シドニアの騎士」で世界を震撼させたポリゴン・ピクチュアズ。さらに本作では、原作者・弐瓶勉がシナリオやキャラクターデザインをはじめとした、クリエイティブディレクションの中核を担い、自らがプロジェクトへフルコミットをしている。



Tsutomu Nihei's visionary debut, which has continued to inspire creators around the world.

Humanity faces purges and extermination in a dark future, and a wanderer named Killy must carry out a solitary, dangerous mission through a mammoth multi-leveled "city" that continues to expand forever in the masterpiece SF manga BLAME! (from Kodansha's Afternoon magazine). The unique setting, unfathomable scale, and hard, heavy action garnered acclaim from directors and artists both in Japan and abroad, creating hopes that against all odds, a film adaptation might one day happen. Now, twenty years after the original comic began, an animated feature-length film is about to be unleashed upon the entire world.

Directing the film will be Hiroyuki Seshita, who brought the world the complex, hard-SF battles of Knights of Sidonia and the speedy, thrilling suspense of Ajin: Demi-Human. Animation will be handled by Polygon Pictures, known worldwide for their award-winning work on shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Transformers: Prime, as well as the epic Knights of Sidonia series. On top of that, original creator Tsutomu Nihei is providing full creative direction to the project, handling script and character design.

With the staff of the visionary Knights of Sidonia reunited and the executive supervision of story creator Tsutomu Nihei, BLAME! is ready to shock the world once again with an all-new story!